Dataset accompanying the publication: On the closure of Collar's Triangle by optical diagnostics

doi: 10.4121/6d4b6017-64e6-4224-950b-64541adfde03.v1
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doi: 10.4121/6d4b6017-64e6-4224-950b-64541adfde03
Datacite citation style:
González Saiz, Gabriel (2023): Dataset accompanying the publication: On the closure of Collar's Triangle by optical diagnostics. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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An experimental methodology is proposed to study aeroelastic systems with optical diagnostics. The approach locally evaluates the three physical mechanisms that produce the forces involved in Collar’s triangle, namely aerodynamic, elastic, and inertial forces. Flow and object surface tracers are tracked by a volumetric particle image velocimetry (PIV) system based on four highspeed cameras and LED illumination. The images are analysed with Lagrangian particle tracking techniques, and the flow tracers and surface markers are separated based on the different properties of their images. The inertial and elastic forces are obtained solely analysing the motion and the deformation of the solid object, whereas the aerodynamic force distribution is obtained with pressure from PIV techniques. Experiments are conducted on a benchmark problem of fluid–structure interaction, featuring a flexible panel installed at the trailing edge of a cylinder.

  • 2023-08-29 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Aerodynamics Group, Delft, The Netherlands


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