Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland 2022 (LGN2022)
DOI: 10.4121/688363cc-8c79-439f-bb0e-fe5d0deb3161
Datacite citation style
Time coverage 2022
Licence CC BY-SA 4.0
LGN2022 is a grid file that shows Dutch land use in 2022 with a spatial resolution of 5m. The legend
consists of 51 land use classes and is comarable with LGN2021. However, some LGN classes changed their
definition slightly due to adaptations in the production methodology.
LGN2022 is distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and urban classes. LGN2022 is a
continuation of the LGN2021. Some small modifications were made. The most important ones are:
- Use of OSM and Top10NL for mapping solar parks
- Introduction of small linear water elements
- Subdivision of BNL class 200 'Overig grondgebruik' into 200, 220 'Basaltblokken en steenglooiingen and 230
'bebouwd gebied'
- Introduction of MRT rules for new nature areas
- New dataset 'Agrarisch Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer (ANLb 030 verantwoordingsaanvraag (versie februari 2023)'
to define 'Natuurlijk beheerde agrarische graslanden'.
- New way to produce the LGN classes 251, 252 and 252.
See also 'Factsheet productie LGN2022' for more details.
The following files were used to create LGN2022: Top10NL (version February 2023), Basis Registratie Percelen
2022 (BRP2022), Basiskaart Natuur en Landschap 2022 (BNL2022), Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen (BAG May
2023), Open Streetmap (OSM January 2023), Bestand BodemGebruik 2017 (BBG2017), Beheertypen IMNA (February
2023), Agrarisch Natuur- en Landschapsbeheer (ANLb 030 verantwoordingsaanvraag (versie februari 2023)) and
LGN2021 for the nature areas.
The dataset is public since September 2023 which is made possible by WOT Natuur & Milieu, Het Waterschapshuis,
Interprovinciaal Overleg, RIVM and Wageningen Environmental Research.
- 2023-10-06 first online, published, posted
Geotif fileAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Landelijk Grondgebruiksbestand Nederland 2021 (LGN2021)Data link
Applied Spatial Research, Wageningen University & ResearchDATA - under embargo
The files in this dataset are under embargo until 2028-10-06.
Dataset is currently available via the LGN website, and will be available here in the future.