Supplementary data to publication: Investigating the Relationship between Simulation Parameters and Flow Variables in Simulating Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Wind Energy Applications
DOI: 10.4121/6737d3a7-cdeb-41d3-b0b2-11915e4b6cec
Datacite citation style
Licence CC BY 4.0
This repository contains analyzed and example raw data acquired from
numerical simulation of flow over a bell-shaped hill (WOA) and through wind farm canopy (WFC) under idealized linearly stratified temperature conditions.
A simulation setup of each scenario from SOWFA-6, the large eddy simulation code used for this study, is also provided.
The analyzed data is numerical results, mainly line plots, presented in the manuscript titled
"Investigating the Relationship between Simulation Parameters and Flow Variables in Simulating Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Wind Energy Applications".
The folder tree and the data contained in it are described below.
anlysed_data: A .xlsx file containing 4 sheets containing the data and line plots in the journal article.
example_code_data: A set of .vtk files each containing the velocity field for the WOA scenario, and a jupyter notebook that reads these files for estimating
reflection coefficient (Cr) and relative-root mean square error (R-RMSE) from the vertical velocity component.
example_setups: Example model setup files from SOWFA-6, one each for WOA and WFC simulations under linearly stratified conditions, and a successor WFC case for conventionally neutral boundary layer conditions from TOSCA.
- 2025-03-21 first online, published, posted
script/.ipynb, spreadsheet/.xlsx, CFD output files/.vtk, scripts/.sh, setup files/.txtAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Investigating the Relationship between Simulation Parameters and Flow Variables in Simulating Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Wind Energy ApplicationsOrganizations
TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Flow Physics and Technology, Wind EnergyDATA
Files (4)
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