Dutch Distribution Centres 2021 Geodata

Datacite citation style:
Nefs, Merten (2022): Dutch Distribution Centres 2021 Geodata. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/19361018.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


choose version: version 2 - 2023-10-16 (latest)
version 1 - 2022-04-11

# Dutch Distribution Centres 2021 Geodata 

Geodataset including 26.951 logistics buildings in the Netherlands larger than 500 m2, built before november 2021, as well as the business estates they are in, and the East-Southeast freight corridor of the Netherlands - the busiest logistics area of the country. The definition of logistics is rather broad, including trade, import, export, transportation and warehousing. Additional buildings with retail centres on industrial sites, as well as buildings with logistics co-activity are included. Manufacturing and recycling facilities, which often include logistics activities, are not included unless a separate logistics company is located in the building.

The dataset contains a Geopackage with equivalents in ESRI shapefile format. The buildings layer with attributes is also provided as a Geojson file and CSV data table (without geometry). Besides this README file, a method describing the compilation of the data is provided (Pdf).

An earlier version of this dataset, covering only the area within the East-Southeast corridor, was released in 2021 (DOI:10.4121/14791686). The new dataset substitutes the former.

An interactive zoomable map with timeline slider is available on: http://mertennefs.eu/landscapes-of-trade/

Some interactive metrics, showing the extent and potential of the dataset, are shown in this RShiny app: https://mertennefs.shinyapps.io/distributioncentres_geodata_app/

## Collaboration

The data were gathered and compiled by Merten Nefs, in collaboration with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Thomas Bonte and  Carlijn Ligterink) and the Deltametropolis Association based in Rotterdam (Vera Loefs and Ana Luisa Moura); with the help and data provision by Frank van Oort at Erasmus School of Economics (Rotterdam) and Henk van Amsterdam of PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (The Hague). The data have been used for research, media articles and academic work such as the PhD research project Landscapes of Trade, by Merten Nefs, at TUDelft and Erasmus School of Economics. More information at www.landscapesoftrade.nl

## Disclaimer

The buildings were selected by and joined with employment data of Lisa 2020, and therefore reasons back in time from this point and assumes the same function as well for 2021. Discrepancies between earlier data (Lisa 2017) and 2020 can be viewed and filtered out via the 'Current' attribute below. Another important aspect is the overlap of logistics buildings over time: a small portion of these has replaced former buildings on the same site that have been demolished. Such 'brownfield' developments amount to ca. 10% of the dataset - as established by a test sample - whereas ca. 90% are 'greenfield' developments. More information on the data collection and compilation method is found in the accompanying pdf file.


  • 2022-04-11 first online, published, posted




Geopackage, with copies in Shapefile, CSV and Geojson. Method in Pdf.


TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Erasmus School of Economics
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Deltametropolis Association


Files (6)