The input data associated with the publication: A Cluster Analysis of Temporal Patterns of Travel Production in the Netherlands: Dominant within-day and day-to-day patterns and their association with Urbanization Levels

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DOI: 10.4121/60af7633-74c7-49b3-8d98-5013fae4f8ff
Datacite citation style:
Eftekhar, Zahra; Pel, Adam; van Lint, Hans (2024): The input data associated with the publication: A Cluster Analysis of Temporal Patterns of Travel Production in the Netherlands: Dominant within-day and day-to-day patterns and their association with Urbanization Levels. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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This Dataset contains the input data associated with the research paper titled "A Cluster Analysis of Temporal Patterns of Travel Production in the Netherlands: Dominant within-day and day-to-day patterns and their association with Urbanization Levels". The paper is published in the EJTIR. This dataset is an aggregate derivative of mobile phone data delivered to MiRRORS project by the project partner, Mezuro. The data shows the origin destination information for Mezuro zones in the Netherlands for March 2017. This information are provided in a format of a relational table in .CSV format. The details on data preparation steps are provided in the pdf file inside MiRRORS data.rar and it is titled MiRRORS description 20191220.pdf. The Mezuro zones are defined in the shapefiles directory within MiRRORS data.rar. This project's main source of data (origin destination table) is named od_day_hour_20170301_0.CSV located inside MiRRORS data.rar. This dataset is the source to investigate the travel patterns in the Netherlands.


  • 2024-09-30 first online, published, posted




spreadsheet/.CSV; GIS file/.SHP, .DBF, .CPG, .PRJ, .QPJ, and .SHX; compressed files/ .rar and .zip; pdf file/.pdf


  • MiRRORS (grant code 16270) NWO/TTW


TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Transport and Planning

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 The main data is part of data agreements with a commercial party. 

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The data can only be consumed under the permission of J.W.C. (Hans) van Lint

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