Data underlying the publication: Simulation-optimization configurations for real-time decision-making in fugitive interception
doi: 10.4121/5f3a6a70-377b-42eb-9f46-5fd1141bed78
This repository is part of the Ph.D. thesis of Irene S. van Droffelaar, Delft University of Technology.
This repository accompanies the paper "Simulation-optimization configurations for real-time decision-making in fugitive interception" (
The optimization algorithm can be found under
In, the folders _cleaned data_ and _models_ contain all results and software for:
- Sequential Simulation Optimization (abbreviated as _seq_ in file names), solved with MIP solver CBC (
- Sequential Simulation Optimization (_seq_), solved with metaheuristic Borg
- Simulation Model Optimization (abbreviated as _smo_ in file names), solved with metaheuristic Borg
- 2024-11-25 first online, published, posted
- National Police Artificial Intelligence Lab National Police Artificial Intelligence Lab
- 415,807 bytesMD5:
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