Data on the effect of pressure touch parameters (force, surface area and actuation speed) on emotional and sensory qualities of touch
DOI: 10.4121/5e5d3c61-7c20-4af7-abb4-d915d5eb5be1
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This dataset contains the data collected during a lab study investigating the inherent emotional and sensory qualites of the pressure touch parameters: force, surface area and actuation speed. Two touch devices were used in the study: a McKibben sleeve and a motorized ribbon. The study is a 3x2 design were all parameters were presented at two different intensity levels. Participants wore noise-canceling headphones and a barrier prevented them from seeing their arm in the set-up.
Participants indicated the affect of a stimulus with the emojigrid and chose which emotional and sensory qualities they found appropriate from a check-all-that-apply list. Their answers were logged via qualtrics and can be found in a .xlsx file the original coding that corresponds with the qualtrics questionaire can be found in the spss.sav. The exact forces measured for the study with the motorized ribbon for each participant and in what order can be found in .txt files in the
- 2024-10-31 first online, published, posted
.xlsx/.sav/.zip/.txtAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Experiencing touch by technologyReferences
- WEAFING - Horizon 2020 (grant code 825232) [more info...] Horizon 2020
University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Human Media Interaction GroupDATA
Files (4)
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0_README.txt - 64,255 bytesMD5:
Codebook + participant answers.xlsx - 21,622 bytesMD5:
Experience profiling stim - 310,327 bytesMD5:
Spss.sav -
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