Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Initial Borehole Dataset
Usage statistics
Time coverage Between 2022-02-01 and 2022-05-31
Licence CC BY 4.0
This initial data release contains information collected from the multi-purpose research borehole DAPGEO-02, which is part of the seismic monitoring network of the geothermal research project on TU Delft Campus.
The borehole DAPGEO-02 makes up the central location of a seismic monitoring. It was drilled to a total depth of 499 m between February and May 2022 and equipped with geophones. Adjacent to it lays a borehole of 200 m depth and two shallower wells 100 m offset from the central borehole. These local monitoring network has been equipped with geophones and optical fibers which connect the boreholes laterally and are also placed downhole. Please refer to the final drilling report for more details. A total of 87 cores have been collected of which 18 cores are from the Maassluis Formation (between 115 and 225 m depth) and 69 cores are from several Paleogene Formations (between 362 m and 415 m depth). Open-hole wireline logging was conducted in three phases from which various types of geophysical logs were collected. In addition, two geophones were installed at 440 m and 490 m depth for seismic monitoring.
This initial dataset includes:
- Drillers borehole records,
- Inventories of cores, drill cuttings, core shoe samples, and
- Raw wireline logs.
Raw and processed CT-scan data of cores in their coreliner are published as a separate dataset Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus - DAPGEO-02 Core CT-Scan Data.
- 2022-11-09 first online
- 2022-12-08 published, posted
csv, las, pdf, png, sg2References
- EPOS-NL: The Netherlands contribution to the European Plate Observing System (grant code 184.034.005) [more info...] Dutch Research Council
- COVRA’s research programme for geological disposal of waste
- Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) project WarmingUP (project number TEUE819001)
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and EngineeringDeltares
Smet Group
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