The codes associated with the publication: The Role of Spatial Features and Adjacency in Data-driven Short-term Prediction of Trip Production: An Exploratory Study in the Netherlands
DOI: 10.4121/51fa919d-bc31-4e55-92ac-6fc67ff50fcc
Datacite citation style
This repository contains the codes associated with the research paper titled "The Role of Spatial Features and Adjacency in Data-driven Short-term Prediction of Trip Production: An Exploratory Study in the Netherlands". The paper is currently under review for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. This code repo is intended to perform analysis on the temporal patterns prediction of travel demand in the Netherlands. The data source needed for running this code can be found under the name " The input data associated with the publication: The Role of Spatial Features and Adjacency in Data-driven Short-term Prediction of Trip Production: An Exploratory Study in the Netherlands".
- 2024-09-30 first online, published, posted
scripts/ .py and .ipynb; package management/ requirements.txt; README file/ .mdCode hosting project url
- MiRRORS (grant code 16270) NWO/TTW
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Transport and PlanningTo access the source code, use the following command:
git clone "Prediction of Trip Production"