Dataset: Video recordings of human-robot interactions with a Nao robot controlled via the SONAR adaptive control architecture for social norm aware robots
DOI: 10.4121/50c7a19c-fc0e-4ef3-b35a-dd23bf08470d
Time coverage 2022
Licence Restrictive Licence
## Title
Video recordings of human-robot interactions with a Nao robot controlled via the SONAR adaptive control architecture for social norm aware robots
### Dataset DOI
## Authors:
- **Dr. Davide Dell'Anna** ([ORCID](,, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, [Personal webpage](
- **Dr. Anahita Jamshidnejad** ([ORCID](,, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
The dataset contains video recordings of human-robot interactions with a Nao robot controlled via the SONAR adaptive control architecture for social norm aware robots.
The dataset was collected in the context of the "Human-like norm-aware cognitive robots for autonomous interactions with humans" research project funded by NWO Open Competition Domain Science - XS 21-3 grant. The dataset was generated via experiments with human participants. The experiments were conducted to evaluate the developed adaptive control architecture for social-norm aware robots SONAR. The dataset supplements the article []("SONAR: An Adaptive Control Architecture for Social Norm Aware Robots"), where detailed information about the experiments and the related methodologies can be found.
In the video recordings, the participants interact with a Nao robot in a casual conversation scenario. Interactions between humans and the robot are entirely autonomous. The participants were instructed to have a conversation with the robot on any topic of their choice for about 10 minutes. During the conversation, they were asked to go through 5 tasks (greeting, role playing game, discussing a personal issue, paying attention to an object, goodbye). Participants could decide on their own when and how to initiate and terminate the tasks. The robot could autonomously interact with the participants thanks to the developed control architecture SONAR which combines several state-of-the-art heories and technologies, including the belief, desire, intention model of reasoning and decision making for rational agents, fuzzy logic theory, and large language models.
For every participant, two videos recording are included:
- Video of the interaction with the Nao robot controlled via SONAR (Nao-SONAR)
- Video of the interaction with the Nao robot controlled via a baseline control architecture (Nao-Chatbot)
Participants were encouraged not to say anything personal during the experiments. Therefore anything that is being
said in the video recordings may or not may be true and should be assumed to be a product of fantasy.
It is also important to mention that these experiments were carried out in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) 2016/679, and the Delft University of Technology guidance for working with personal data from human participants. Meaning the project was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Delft University of Technology. In that sense, all participants were informed since the beginning -via an informed consent form- that the videos of their interactions with the social robot would be made available upon request upon the completion of the project.
## Keywords
Human-robot interaction, HRI (Human-robot interaction), Human engineering, Videos, Video recordings, Sonar, Robots, Autonomous robots, Social robots, Norm aware robots, BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention), Fuzzy logic, Large language model, LLM (large language model)
## Date of data collection
2022-12-01 to 2022-12-31
## Date of dataset publication
## Funding
This research has been supported by the NWO - Open Competition Domain Science XS project "Human-like norm-aware cognitive robots for autonomous interactions with humans" (OCENW.XS21.3.106), which has been financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
The dataset contains two video files per participant. The following file naming convention has been used, where <prid\> is a random identifier assigned to a participant:
- Video of the interaction with the Nao robot controlled via SONAR (Nao-SONAR): <prid\>_sonar.mp4
- Video of the interaction with the Nao robot controlled via a baseline control architecture (Nao-Chatbot): <prid\>_baseline.mp4
Last updated: 2024-02-15
- 2024-09-23 first online, published, posted
video/mp4Associated peer-reviewed publication
SONAR: An Adaptive Control Architecture for Social Norm Aware RobotsReferences
- Human-like norm-aware cognitive robots for autonomous interactions with humans (grant code OCENW.XS21.3.106) NWO
Utrecht University, Department of Information and Computing SciencesTU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Control and Operations
DATA - restricted access
The dataset corresponds to videos of human participants interacting with the robot (not anonymized data). The participants have given their consent to make the videos available upon request.
End User Licence Agreement
End-users interested in the dataset have to request access by sending an email to They will be asked to sign an EULA to ensure GDPR compliance.
We kindly request users to put in CC the email of Dr. Davide Dell'Anna (, check latest email address in page).
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