Analytical quay wall model; MODEL underlying the dissertation: "Amsterdam quays under pressure - Modelling and testing of historic canal walls"

doi: 10.4121/4fd90d71-ffd9-4db2-a358-8576f5b19a32.v1
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doi: 10.4121/4fd90d71-ffd9-4db2-a358-8576f5b19a32
Datacite citation style:
Hemel, Mart-Jan (2023): Analytical quay wall model; MODEL underlying the dissertation: "Amsterdam quays under pressure - Modelling and testing of historic canal walls". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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As an integral component of the doctoral dissertation titled "Amsterdam Quay Walls Under Pressure – Modeling and Testing of Historic Canal Walls" authored by Mart-Jan Hemel, an analytical quay wall program was meticulously developed using MATLAB. This specialized program served various purposes, including the replication of experiments conducted at the Overamstel test site, conducting sensitivity and probability studies, and facilitating forensic research into the Grimburgwal's collapse. Notably, this model demonstrates substantial potential in efficiently and accurately modelling historical quay walls.

In this data-set a manual and full code of the program is provided.

The provided code is made available as open access, and all credits and recognition for its creation go to Mart-Jan Hemel, the original author. This code is provided here for educational and illustrative purposes, and any use or further distribution should be attributed to the author. If you find this code useful or have any questions, please consider reaching out to the original author for more information and guidance.

  • 2023-10-11 first online, published, posted
MATLAB files and pdf manual
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Hydraulic Engineering


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