Supplementary data for journal article "The effect of group decisions in heat transitions: An agent-based approach"
The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future.
For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/18865385
DOI: 10.4121/18865385
Datacite citation style
Luteijn-Nava Guerrero, Graciela; Hansen, Helle Hvid; Korevaar, Gijsbert; Lukszo, Zofia (2022): Supplementary data for journal article "The effect of group decisions in heat transitions: An agent-based approach". Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite
Version 2 - 2022-01-31 (latest)
Version 1 - 2022-01-28
A version of this dataset is previously published as a supplementary data in:
DOI:, G.D.C., Hansen, H. H., Korevaar, G., & Lukszo, Z. (2021). The effect of group decisions in heat transitions: An agent-based approach. Energy Policy, 156, 112306.
This dataset contains .CSV files with simulation results from an agent-based model that was built using the NetLogo software. The agent-based model is also available in this repository: 10.4121/18865415
See journal paper for a description of the simulations:
DOI:, G.D.C., Hansen, H. H., Korevaar, G., & Lukszo, Z. (2021). The effect of group decisions in heat transitions: An agent-based approach. Energy Policy, 156, 112306.
This dataset contains .CSV files with simulation results from an agent-based model that was built using the NetLogo software. The agent-based model is also available in this repository: 10.4121/18865415
See journal paper for a description of the simulations:
- 2022-01-28 first online
- 2022-01-31 published, posted
.csvAssociated peer-reviewed publication
The effect of group decisions in heat transitions: An agent-based approachReferences
- This research was funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO, for its initials in the Dutch language), as part of project number 14183 “Modeling Lab for smart grids, smart policies, smart entrepreneurship”. This project is Project E from the Smart Energy Systems in the Built Environment (SES-BE) Program.
TU Delft; Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management; Department Engineering Systems and Services; Energy and Industry GroupDATA
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