Experimental data: The effect of intermittent anode potential regimes on the morphology and extracellular matrix composition of electro-active bacteria

doi: 10.4121/20200007.v1
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doi: 10.4121/20200007
Datacite citation style:
Fontes Pereira, João Pedro; Annemiek ter Heijne; Tom Sleutels; Bert Hamelers; Hardy Temmink et. al. (2022): Experimental data: The effect of intermittent anode potential regimes on the morphology and extracellular matrix composition of electro-active bacteria. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/20200007.v1
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The data provided in these files have been generated/collected during the study of bio-anode response to intermittent anode potentials. These data include potentiostat measurements, acetate concentrations, EPS quantification in the anolyte and biofilms, elemental analysis of biofilms, and quantification of biofilm and planktonic cells. 

  • 2022-07-07 first online, published, posted
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  • Dutch Research Council (NWO) - project number 17516
Wageningen University & Research, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences

Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology


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