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Hybrid Electric Aircraft Sizing Tool (HEAST)

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/494f6cd8-cd4a-4d1a-8d02-8340a6da2b5b

Datacite citation style

de Vries, Reynard (2024): Hybrid Electric Aircraft Sizing Tool (HEAST). Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. software. https://doi.org/10.4121/494f6cd8-cd4a-4d1a-8d02-8340a6da2b5b.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


The Hybrid Electric Aircraft Sizing Tool (HEAST) was developed at Delft University of Technology and is intended for the conceptual design of aircraft with (hybrid-) electric propulsion systems. These drivetrains open the space to new propulsor layouts commonly know as "distributed propulsion", where the aerodynamic interaction between propulsors and airframe can be significant. More specifically, the tool focuses on the preliminary sizing part of the conceptual design phase, where the designer translates the top-level aircraft requirements and design choices into a first layout and estimate of weights, wing area, and installed power. The tool is therefore a sizing tool and *not* an analysis tool: it cannot assess the performance of a predefined geometry/weight/etc.

The tool is implemented in MATLAB and is versatile because it allows the user to size aircraft with a wide array of powertrain types (conventional, serial, parallel, electric, turboelectric,...), propulsor layouts (leading-edge propellers, over-the-wing propellers,...), and can easily be adapted to account for different performance requirements. However, it requires a significant amount of input parameters and contains numerous (sub-) functions with many if-checks and iteration loops. It is therefore only recommended for users who have a detailed understanding of aircraft conceptual design *and* are versatile in the MATLAB language.


  • 2024-07-12 first online, published, posted




  • EU Horizon 2020 Clean Sky 2 Large Passenger Aircraft (CS2-LPA-GAM 2017-2021) (grant code 807097, 945583)


TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Flow Physics and Technology


To access the source code, use the following command:

git clone https://data.4tu.nl/v3/datasets/61cbe615-b7a8-4fa5-893b-9871f73e163f.git "HEAST"

Or download the latest commit as a ZIP.

Files (1)

  • 384,147 bytesMD5:fda60802a310e4b2254f7c7ffc4e8b03HEAST.zip