Database underlying the publication: Regional differentials in infant mortality of the Netherlands in the late 19th and early 20th century: Evaluating the importance of demographic, sociocultural, environmental, and medical factors
DOI: 10.4121/47b3f733-0072-4a3e-b475-93bf3399e5ec
This database contains cross-sectional data for all municipalities in the Netherlands in two separate periods 1877-1879 and 1908-1910. Per municipality a wide variety of data is given for the two short periods. It contains demographic data: population size, infant mortality, stillbirths, births, male births, illegitimate births, and migration figures. Religious data: absolute numbers of adherents per religion. Medical data: numbers per medical personnel category and various vaccination figures. Furthermore it has participation data: unemployment rate, percentage employed in agriculture, labor participation of women, and the number of eligible voters in municipal elections. Finally it contains data on the water pipe supply, economic region, and the soil type of the municipality. It is the basis for the historical-demographic research article "Regional differentials in infant mortality of the Netherlands in the late 19th and early 20th century: Evaluating the importance of demographic, sociocultural, environmental, and medical factors". It contains the original Excel Database (with all relevant data), a STATA do-file (which 'cleans' the data), spatial datasets, and associated spatial weight files.
It also includes data derived from 'Mourits, Rick J; Boonstra, Onno; Knippenberg, Hans; Hofstee, Evert W; Zijdeman, Richard L, 2016, "Historische Database Nederlandse Gemeenten",, IISH Data Collection, V5' and the (adjusted) shapefiles are from 'Boonstra, O.W.A. (2007). NLGis shapefiles. DANS.'. Make sure to cite both when using this database!
- 2024-08-05 first online, published, posted
.xlsx / .do / .shp / .cpg / .dbf / .prj / .sbn / .sbx / .shx / .gal / .kwtFunding
- None
DATA - restricted access
Data needs to be revised for journal publication.