Data underlying the publication: Visualizing bioclimates as a step towards improved climate change communication: tools and indications for the future

doi: 10.4121/17216162.v1
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doi: 10.4121/17216162
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Marco, Ricardo; Ricardo Marco Garcia (2022): Data underlying the publication: Visualizing bioclimates as a step towards improved climate change communication: tools and indications for the future. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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The territorial dimension of climatic zones, coupled with their ecosystems, is an extremely important marker of (on-going and future) climate change, which can be visually communicated to tell new stories, to frame newsworthy extreme and slowing on-going impacts, to support adaptation measures and to foster reflections on the value of mitigation solutions. In this Research Insight, we highlight an emerging trend in the visual communication strategies calling for moving beyond distant icon. We contribute by underlining the role of isobioclimates and by releasing two sets of tools: copyright-free photos for 221 isobioclimatic areas of the world (both of typical landscape and of corresponding human settlments) and KMZ files mapping the current borders of bioclimates (that will undergo shifts as climate changes). We propose uses of such tools as layers for localising human settlements and events (e.g. wildfires). Furthermore, we provide guidelines for media operators as well as indications for future research.

  • 2022-02-25 first online, published, posted
MS Word: .docx
The University of Navarra, Department of Environmental Biology


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