Data underlying the publication: "SAR altimetry data as a new source for swell monitoring"

doi: 10.4121/17198435.v1
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doi: 10.4121/17198435
Datacite citation style:
Altiparmaki, Rania; Marc Naeije; Kleinherenbrink, Marcel; D. C. (Cornelis) Slobbe; Visser, Pieter (2022): Data underlying the publication: "SAR altimetry data as a new source for swell monitoring". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Fully-focused Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) altimetry data of the CryoSat-2 mission are used in order to study the potential of SAR altimeters to monitor swell waves similar to SAR side-looking imaging systems. In particular, L1b multilooked waveforms are used and a spectral analysis is performed. Read the "readme.txt" file for more information.

  • 2022-02-17 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Space Engineering, Astrodynamics & Space Missions