Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: The onset of depletion-induced seismicity in slip-weakening faults with interacting peaked shear stresses: Uenishi and Rice extended.

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/2de552dc-108d-4446-9eb7-8b451e6ec072

Datacite citation style

Jansen, Jan Dirk; Meulenbroek, Bernard (2025): Matlab files used to produce the figures in the publication: The onset of depletion-induced seismicity in slip-weakening faults with interacting peaked shear stresses: Uenishi and Rice extended. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


This dataset contains the MATLAB code “Induced Fault Slip (IFS)” version 2.0 to simulate the depletion-induced growth of slip patches in an inclined displaced fault with constant or slip-weakening friction. It employs a semi-analytical approach with the aid of expansions in Chebyshev polynomials and Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature. It has been used to produce most figures in the following two publications:

[1] Jansen, J.D. and Meulenbroek, B.J., 2025: The onset of depletion-induced seismicity in slip-weakening faults with interacting peaked shear stresses: Uenishi and Rice extended. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth.

[2] Meulenbroek, B.J. and Jansen, J.D., 2024: The use of Cauchy-type singular integrals over neighboring intervals to compute induced slip in displaced faults. International Journal of Solids and Structures 300, 112922. 

The files have been prepared for MATLAB R2021b.

The collection of Matlab files contains three main files: ifs.main.m, ifs_main_UandR.m, and ifs_main_nucleation.m. Main file ifs_main.m is the most important file which drives most of the computations and produces most of the figures. The other two main files are dedicated files to produce Figures 6 and 8 of reference [1].

Within ifs_main.m, there is an option to select three input files:

% 01 = Example – This file creates Figure 4 for reference [1] and most of the plots for reference [2].

% 02 = Depletion in a reservoir with a symmetric displaced vertical fault – This file creates plots that are not used in publications.

% 04 = Example with small and large relative fault throws - This file creates several plots for reference [1].

The fourth input file (% 06 = Nucleation as function of fault throw) is only relevant for main file ifs_main_nucleation.m to create Figure 8 for reference [1].

Main file ifs_main_nucleation.m has an option to produce new results (time consuming – 1 to 2 hours) or to recreate results from data stored in directory “IFS output files” (see the setting of parameter flag_from_file).

To run these files, make sure to first change the path in admin.path_out (see line 32 in ifs_main.m, and line 50 in ifs_main_nucleation.m).


  • 2025-02-25 first online, published, posted




Matlab files


  • DeepNL: NEPTUNUS: Novel methods for the Evaluation and Physical understanding of the Transient natUre of iNdUced Seismicity (grant code DEEP.NL.2023.020) [more info...] NWO


TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and Engineering


Files (1)