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Data belonging to the publication: A dynamic open-source model to investigate wake dynamics in response to wind farm flow control strategies

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/29c209fa-f2a4-456d-9353-67cf81be1aaa

Datacite citation style

Becker, Marcus; Lejeune, Maxime (2024): Data belonging to the publication: A dynamic open-source model to investigate wake dynamics in response to wind farm flow control strategies. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/29c209fa-f2a4-456d-9353-67cf81be1aaa.v2
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


Version 2 - 2024-12-16 (latest)
Version 1 - 2024-11-07

Dataset to recreate the plots from the publication "A dynamic open-source model to investigate wake dynamics in response to wind farm flow control strategies"

The dataset contains different sets of data:

  • Simulation data from OFF, SOWFA, and FLORIS
  • Input files to recreate the simulation data from OFF
  • The input wind direction time series
  • Files to recreate plots from the paper in MATLAB

The simulation files

These mainly contain the power of each turbine with the related time step.






Unlike OFF and FLORIS, the SOWFA simulations only cover smaller subsets of the time frame (see paper).

The time frames are decomposed into cases, named after the hours they cover:

  • Time frame 1: 00_to_03
  • Time frame 2: 06_to_09
  • Time frame 3: 12_to_15

The measurements are available under "case*_nacYaw" and "case*_powerGenerator".

The wind farm layouts for each time frame are given as "Time_frame_*hrs_layout.csv".

The wind direction simulated in LES is given as "Time_frame_*hrs_les_dir", which is an offset version of the original wind direction, which is given as "Time_frame_*hrs_original_dir.csv".

OFF input files

Named after the ki and phi lim settings, the input files can be found as .yaml files:


These also contain the original wind farm layout and the entire wind direction time series.

Wind direction time series

The LiDAR_*.csv files feature the LiDAR data used as wind direction signal, filtered and unfiltered, and the related time.

The content of the files is given in rows of 600s data, which needs to be unfolded. See the time data for an intuition.

MATLAB plotting scripts

The main plotting script is called "compare_off_and_sowfa.m" and contains comments to guide the users through the data.

The remaining .m files are used to generate specific plots or to load data.


  • 2024-11-07 first online
  • 2024-12-16 published, posted




.py, .yaml, .csv, .m


  • Robust closed-loop wake steering for large densely spaced wind farms (grant code 17512) Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek


TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft Center for Systems and Control


Files (426)