Data underlying the publication “PERMA to PERMA+4 Building Blocks of Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature”

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doi: 10.4121/1fcd3c65-e38d-4bf1-a7ee-6f8b0239c3ed
Datacite citation style:
Cabrera, Victoria; Donaldson, Stewart (2023): Data underlying the publication “PERMA to PERMA+4 Building Blocks of Well-Being: A Systematic Review of the Empirical Literature”. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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2011 to September 13, 2022

This dataset of empirical research articles is from a systematic literature search of the empirical literature on PERMA, PERMA-H, and PERMA+4 building blocks of well-being. The articles selected are in the English language, from peer-reviewed journals covering the period of 2011 to September 13, 2022, and include PERMA or a variation of PERMA (PERMA-H, PERMA+4) as a study variable that was measured quantitatively or tested the efficacy of an intervention solely based on the PERMA model in a quantitative (non-pilot) study. The literature search yielded 102 research articles with PERMA or a variation of PERMA as a study variable and nine PERMA intervention studies. The abstracts and full text of the articles were reviewed and coded for 1) year, 2) context/setting, 3) type of study, 4) data collection methods/study design, 5) PERMA measures, 6) study variables, 7) sample characteristics, 8) geographic location of the sample, 9) main findings, and 10) intervention description.

  • 2023-03-27 first online, published, posted
Claremont Graduate University, Department of Psychology


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