Research Materials for Design Thinking Manuscript

doi: 10.4121/21989525.v2
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doi: 10.4121/21989525
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Qingyue, Fan (2024): Research Materials for Design Thinking Manuscript. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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version 2 - 2024-06-17 (latest)
version 1 - 2023-02-02

APPENDIX A - Training Protocols for TDIs  

APPENDIX B - Within Team Response Rates for All Three Time Points

APPENDIX C – Psychometric Details of Scales Used in the and Study, Measurement Invariance and Discriminant Validity of Endogenous Variables

APPENDIX D – Random Coefficient Modeling Results

APPENDIX E – Analysis with Absolute Effects (Controlling for Team Effectiveness and Efficiency at T0)

APPENDIX F – Analysis with Absolute Effects (Without Controlling for Team Effectiveness and Efficiency at T0)

APPENDIX G – Data Transparency Matrix 

The study was designed as a quasi-experiment with three waves of data collection. Prior to the initiation of the study, all facility units were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions, namely a design thinking condition (25 teams), a team-building condition (30 teams), or an AAR condition (41 teams). We tested the direct and indirect effects of the team interventions (team design-thinking vs. AAR and team-building) on team-level performance outcomes using Mplus 8 (Muthén & Muthén, 2017). 

  • 2023-02-02 first online, published
  • 2024-06-17 posted


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