FracSim2D: A new methodology for generating geological constrained 2D discrete fracture networks
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DOI: 10.4121/12987584
DOI: 10.4121/12987584
Datacite citation style:
Boersma, Quinten; Hardebol, Nico; Bertotti, Giovanni (2020): FracSim2D: A new methodology for generating geological constrained 2D discrete fracture networks. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. software.
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This folder contains the python code (FracSim2D) and data presented in chapter 6 of the Thesis: Natural Fracture Network Characterization: Numerical Modelling, Outcrop Analysis and Subsurface data (ISBN 978-94-6366-320-5) written by Q.D. Boersma in 2020. The thesis can be found on An installation and user guide can aslo be found within this download.
FracSim2D is an open source python code which is able to simulate 2D Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) based on the fracture characteristics commonly observed on outcrops, including hierarchy, topology, spacing along with different length - and orientation distributions. The code is exemplified using natural fracture data acquired from four different pavement outcrops, which show distinctly different fracture network geometries. The results show that by implementing controls such as: 1) different fracture levels, 2) hierarchical behaviour, 3) topological rules, and 4) a strict fracture spacing relationship, this algorithm is able to simulate the network geometries which show a close resemblance to their outcrop counterparts, especially with respect to simulations which only account for the statistical observations.
The code has primarily been developed by Nico Hardebol and some results have been presented in: Multiscale fracture network characterization and impact on flow: A case study on the Latemar carbonate platform.
FracSim2D is an open source python code which is able to simulate 2D Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) based on the fracture characteristics commonly observed on outcrops, including hierarchy, topology, spacing along with different length - and orientation distributions. The code is exemplified using natural fracture data acquired from four different pavement outcrops, which show distinctly different fracture network geometries. The results show that by implementing controls such as: 1) different fracture levels, 2) hierarchical behaviour, 3) topological rules, and 4) a strict fracture spacing relationship, this algorithm is able to simulate the network geometries which show a close resemblance to their outcrop counterparts, especially with respect to simulations which only account for the statistical observations.
The code has primarily been developed by Nico Hardebol and some results have been presented in: Multiscale fracture network characterization and impact on flow: A case study on the Latemar carbonate platform.
- 2020-09-22 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and EngineeringDATA
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