Data underlying the manuscript: Flood impacts on healthcare facilities and disaster preparedness – a systematic review
DOI: 10.4121/1795829c-d2bb-415d-aa5f-03f02e73ff04
Licence CC0
This dataset is related to a systematic review of scientific articles to identify the direct and indirect impacts of floods on healthcare facilities (HCFs) and the risk management strategies implemented to address these challenges. The data lists the non-duplicate records resulted from searching four electronic databases (i.e., MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus) for articles written in English, the reports retrieved after screening and the studies included after full-text eligibility assessments. The study was conducted following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines for systematic reviews. The online platform Rayyan ( was used to facilitates the screening process.
The datasets are described below:
- Medline-Embase-WoS-SCOPUS_NoDuplicates_3719.xlsx - this file contains all the 3719 non-duplicate records obtained after searching the four publication databases
- Eligibility_and_Inclusion_235.xlsx - this file contains 235 reports sought for retrieval and their eligibility. Those reports were obtained after excluding 3484 records from the 3719 non-duplicate records. The file shows the non-eligible (i.e., excluded) records either because they were not retrieved or because they do not meet the inclusion criteria.
- IncludedStudies_74.xlsx - this file contains the 74 studies included and analyzed in the systematic literature review. The file shows the hazards addressed in the studies, the study areas, the HCF types, the types of direct and indirect impacts the facilities faced and flood risk management strategies they followed.
- 2025-01-09 first online
- 2025-02-25 published, posted
- Frontrunner 3 project “Pandemic lessons for flood disaster preparedness” (grant code [grant number 2022.003]) Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC)
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk SectionPandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center
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Medline-Embase-WoS-SCOPUS_NoDuplicates_3719.xlsx -
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