Large experimental data set for extreme wave impacts on S175 ship with and without surge and with various bow drafts and freeboards

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DOI: 10.4121/15f0d739-b84c-48f3-879a-68c08f068ab3
Datacite citation style:
Wellens, Peter; Anna Boon (2024): Large experimental data set for extreme wave impacts on S175 ship with and without surge and with various bow drafts and freeboards. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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The data provided are two datasets obtained in one experimental campaign conducted as part of workpackage B of the 

“Multi-fidelity probabilistic design framework for complex marine structures” project. Both datasets are from experiments 

where a model was placed in a wave-current tank in the faculty of ME of the Delft University of Technology. The model 

is stationairy and the waves and current flow past the model. The modelled forward velocity of the model was 0.25 m/s and 

the waves were irregular and the model was free to heave and pitch. As this test facillity has been used before there is a previous

publication with an explanation. Please cite it as follows when using the data (bibtex at the bottom of this description):

Boon, A. D. and Wellens, P. R. (2023) ‘The effect of surge on extreme wave impacts and an insight into clustering’, 

Journal of Marine Structures. 

The data itself can also be referenced. Please cite it as follows (bibtex at the bottom of this description):

Boon, A.D. and Wellens, P.R. (2023) 'Large experimental data set for extreme wave impacts on S175 ship with and without 

surge and with various bow drafts and freeboards (Repository)'. 4TU.ResearchData

The first dataset is focussed on finding the influence of surge on green water and slamming. The model was thus free to surge

but for half of the tests surge was restricted to find the difference. These experiments were conducted with the S175 model.

A publication has been made based on this dataset: "A. D. Boon and P. R. Wellens, ‘The effect of surge on extreme wave impacts 

and an insight into clustering’, Journal of Ship Research, 2024.

The second dataset is focussed on finding the influence of freeboard hight and draft on green water and slamming. To find the

influence the back half of the S175 was kept but three different axe-like bows were attached to the back. For each of the three

different bow shapes attachements were placed at the bow to test three different freeboard heights per bow. There is also a 

publication based on this dataset: "A. D. Boon and P. R. Wellens, ‘How draft and freeboard affect green water: a probabilistic

analysis of a large experimental dataset’, Proceedings of the ASME 2024 43th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and 

Arctic Engineering, June 9-14, 2024"

For further information you can reach us through our contact information:

Anna Boon (

Peter Wellens (


  • 2024-04-03 first online, published, posted






  • NWO


TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Maritime and Transport Technology


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