Data underlying the publication: Gentrification and the Origin and Destination of Movers: A Systematic Review

doi: 10.4121/05b7b194-25ce-41e1-869f-e63e5ba1c66c.v1
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doi: 10.4121/05b7b194-25ce-41e1-869f-e63e5ba1c66c
Datacite citation style:
Janssen, Kyri Maaike Joey; Cottineau, Clémentine; Kleinhans, Reinout; Bueren, Ellen van (2024): Data underlying the publication: Gentrification and the Origin and Destination of Movers: A Systematic Review. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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The aim of this systematic literature review is to create a better understanding of the following: 1. The spatial extent of gentrification-related moves; 2. The various methodologies used for measuring gentrification-related mobility; and 3. The nature of the relationship between gentrification-related mobility and segregation. The systematic approach allows for a reliable and reproducible overview of the existing literature, as well as a quantified summary of how authors have studied and described residential mobility patterns in varying spatial and temporal contexts. This dataset is a csv file containing data collected during a systematic literature review on all peer-reviewed articles studying the Origin or Destination if movers to and from gentrifying neighbourhoods. The data was collected by analysing peer-reviewed articles capturing either the origin or destination of gentrification-induced residential moves. The data is the second chapter of the PhD thesis of Kyri Maaike Joey Janssen’s, and the data was used for the following peer-reviewed article:

  • 2024-04-03 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism


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