Dataset of "Comfort expectation differs from comfort experience using a handheld device with and without support."

doi: 10.4121/055d9032-b595-4bc7-ad72-74c9f13dce87.v1
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doi: 10.4121/055d9032-b595-4bc7-ad72-74c9f13dce87
Datacite citation style:
Udomboonyanupap, Sumalee; Boess, Stella; Vink, Peter (2023): Dataset of "Comfort expectation differs from comfort experience using a handheld device with and without support.". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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This paper concerns the difference between expected comfort and experienced comfort and the association between discomfort in the head region and recorded neck angle. Twenty-four participants were asked to use their smartphone with and without a holder in a train seat and then to rate their expected and experienced comfort. Participants mentioned that the headrest should be softer, the armrest should be adapted, the backrest should give more support and the seat pan should be softer. This experience was significantly different from the expectations based on first sight. It shows that tactile experience adds information influencing comfort, but also the behaviour of performing the task in the seat is important to giving a good comfort score. The experience of the use is also needed to increase the quality of the suggestions for improvement. This study strengthens the theory that comfort, and discomfort expectations might differ from experienced comfort and strengthens the theory that there could be a relationship between experienced neck discomfort and recorded neck angles.

  • 2023-10-25 first online, published, posted
  • Royal Thai Government Scholarship, Thailand
TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Department of Human-Centered Design


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