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Dataset Underlying: Quantifying Within-Individual Elbow Load Variability in Youth Elite Baseball Pitchers and Its Role in Overuse Injuries

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/19868722

Datacite citation style

van Trigt, Bart; Bouman, Foskien F.; Leenen, Antonius J. R.; Hoozemans, Marco J. M.; C. T. van der Helm, Frans et. al. (2023): Dataset Underlying: Quantifying Within-Individual Elbow Load Variability in Youth Elite Baseball Pitchers and Its Role in Overuse Injuries. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/19868722.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


Kinematic data (position data) of eleven baseball pitchers who performed 25 fastballs recorded with a VICON motion capture system. The pickle-files (version 4.0) contain the position data of a static anatomical reference posture ('STATIC') and a fastball pitch motion ('PITCH') the landmarks attached to our subjects according to the modified plug-in-gait model[1]. The anatomical landmarks of the static posture and pitch motion are organised in Python dictionaries containing pandas DataFrames (version 1.1.0) with the X, Y and Z coordinates. The data contains filtered and unfiltered preprocessed data. Also the calculated external valgus torques and ball speeds of each participant can be found here.

For more information about the data read the original paper[2] and/or send an e-mail to corresponding author of the article: b.vantrigt@tudelft.nl


1. Vicon R©. Plug-in-Gait Modelling Instructions (2010)

2. Van Trigt, B.; Bouman, F.F.; Leenen, A.J.R.; Hoozemans, M.J.M.; Van der Helm, F.C.T.; Veeger, D. Quantifying Within-Individual Elbow Load Variability in Youth Elite Baseball Pitchers and Its Role in Overuse Injuries. Appl. Sci. 202212, 6549. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12136549


  • 2023-09-05 first online, published, posted




g-zipped shape files; containing csv files and pickles.


  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 14366


TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3ME), Department of Biomechanical Engineering
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Movement Sciences, Department of Human Movement Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences


Files (4)