ERIES-The aerodynamics of platooning and overtaking vehicles

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doi: 10.4121/a09bedfa-ad7b-4835-b7f4-6e6cde811611
Datacite citation style:
Gillmeier, Stefanie; Soper, David; Marshall, Samuel David; Snape, Karl; Sterling, Mark (2024): ERIES-The aerodynamics of platooning and overtaking vehicles. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. collection.
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A series of experiments was conducted in the closed-circuit Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel at Eindhoven University of Technology, featuring up to three Heavy Ground Vehicle (HGV) models at a reduced geometric scale of 1:20. The aim of this test was threefold. First, surface pressure and wind loads were investigated on an isolated HGV model for various crosswind conditions (yaw angles of 0° - no crosswind, 15°, 30° and 45°). Second, three HGV models were arranged in a platoon formation and the effect on surface pressures and wind loads of aforementioned crosswind conditions was studied on the platoon. Wake flow characteristics were assessed for the platoon at a yaw angle of 0°. Third, the three HGVs were also used to simulate an overtaking manoeuvre by iteratively moving the first and third model to mimic scenarios that are likely to occur while one HGV overtakes another. In total 44 configurations were assessed for the overtaking manoeuvre, for which surface pressure and wind loads were monitored.

An overall description of the conducted experiments is provided at Further specific information is given in the corresponding datasets of this collection.

  • 2024-05-08 first online, published, posted
  • ERIES - Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies (grant code Grant Agreement No. 101058684) [more info...] European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme
TU Eindhoven, Department of the Built Environment, Building Physics and Services
University of Birmingham, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering