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TURTLE: Measurements of groundwater, hydrodynamics, sand temperature, and sediment characteristics at two beach transects on Galveston Island, Texas, USA

Datacite citation style

Christiaanse, Jakob C.; Antolínez, José A. A.; van der Grinten, Meye J.; Taal, Falco; Figlus, Jens et. al. (2024): TURTLE: Measurements of groundwater, hydrodynamics, sand temperature, and sediment characteristics at two beach transects on Galveston Island, Texas, USA. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. collection. https://doi.org/10.4121/93256801-ed01-4627-9e49-8607967a0853.v2
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


This collection contains data gathered during the TURTLE field experiments on Galveston Island, TX, USA in the fall of 2023. Groundwater, hydrodynamics (waves and water levels), morphology, sand moisture and temperature, and sediment characteristics were monitored at two beach transects during a period of about 7 weeks, which included calm, moderate, and storm conditions. Field measurements were accompanied by GoPro footage of the instantaneous water line (wave runup). Hydrodynamic and groundwater data include observations from pressure loggers and wave buoys at multiple locations along the cross-shore profile. Morphology data include multiple handheld RTK-GPS profile surveys, a topographic drone survey, and a bathymetric echosounder survey. Sand moisture and temperature were monitored along a vertical depth profile at the dune toe and sediment characteristics were derived from four sediment cores extracted at the dune toe and high tide line of each transect. A detailed description of the field experiments is provided in the accompanying descriptor:

Christiaanse, J. C., Antolínez, J. A. A., van der Grinten, M. J., Taal, F., Figlus, J., Dellapenna, T. M., Ritt, B., Marshall, C. D., Tereszkiewicz, P. A., Cohn, N., Majzlik, E. J., & Reniers, A. J. H. M. (2024). Measurements of groundwater, hydrodynamics, morphology, and sand temperature at a dissipative sea turtle nesting beach. Manuscript submitted for publication.


  • 2024-09-04 first online
  • 2024-09-06 published, posted




  • TURTLE: naTure-based solUtions for flood pRoof sea TurtLe nEsting beaches (grant code T-DEL/2023/095) [more info...] TKI Deltatechnologie


Delft University of Technology, Department of Hydraulic Engineering; Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University at Galveston; US Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Echo Ocean Science LLC