PhD dissertation: Improving salt weathering resistance of hydraulic mortars with an encapsulated crystallisation inhibitor

doi: 10.4121/91b24d14-0e99-4f7e-9bf1-44edf253180e.v1
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doi: 10.4121/91b24d14-0e99-4f7e-9bf1-44edf253180e
Datacite citation style:
Kamat, Ameya (2024): PhD dissertation: Improving salt weathering resistance of hydraulic mortars with an encapsulated crystallisation inhibitor. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. collection.
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This is a collection of all datasets included as individual chapters in the PhD dissertation.

  • 2024-09-17 first online, published, posted
  • MORtars with mixed-in Inhibitors for mitigation of SALt damage (MORISAL) (grant code 17636) NWO
Architectural Engineering and Technology (Delft University of Technology);
Materials, Mechanics, Management & Design (Delft University of Technology)