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Data underlying the manuscript "Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits"

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this collection, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/8aad69d0-831b-40e5-81b5-961251cd2bfc

Datacite citation style

Marta Pita Vidal; Jaap Wesdorp; Splitthoff, Lukas; Arno Bargerbos; Liu, Yu et. al. (2023): Data underlying the manuscript "Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. collection. https://doi.org/10.4121/8aad69d0-831b-40e5-81b5-961251cd2bfc.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


Data processing and plotting underlying the manuscript Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits.

This repository contains two zip files: Data_processing_and_plotting.zip and Raw_shots.zip.

The first zip file contains all of the processing and plotting of the data for the manuscript in addition to all of the paper figures. It also contains most of the raw experimental data, with the exception of the raw shots used to plot Fig. S19 of the SUpplementary Information and to calculate the readout fidelity. These are very large in filesize, and are provided separately in the Raw_shots.zip file.

The data processing and figure plotting occur in separate Jupyter notebooks and are executed using Python 3. For this we make use of the conda environment management system, and a self-contained environment that contains all the necessary libraries is provided in the asqasq_repo_env.yml file located in Data_processing_and_plotting. It can be installed with conda env create -f asqasq_repo_env.yml.


This file contains all of the processing and plotting of the data for the manuscript titled Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits. In addition it contains most of the raw data, with the exception of the raw shots which are provided in a separate file.

The file contains the following folders:

* Raw_data - Folder containing the raw data saved with the NetCDF framework using the xarray python package. This does not include the raw shots that are processed in notebook 09 - Readout fidelity analysis.ipynb. These files are available separately in the same data collection.

* Processed_data - Folder containing intermediate data resulting from each processing step and the final processed data ready to plot.

* Figures - Folder containing the output figures in pdf or png format.

It then contains the following Jupyter notebook files:

* 01 - Simple processing.ipynb - notebook that processes part of the raw data and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 02 - extraction of ESOs, EJs and EC.ipynb - notebook that extracts the spin-dependent and spin-independent Josephson energies from the raw data and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 03 - field angle dependence.ipynb - notebook that processes the field angle dependence raw data and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 04 - Bz dependence of ASQ1 and ASQ2 .ipynb - notebook that processes the field magnitude dependence raw data to extract the g-factors in different directions. The results are stored in the Processed_data folder.

* 05 - Peak_Gaussian_fit.ipynb - notebook that processes the longitudinal coupling spectroscopy raw data to extract the value of J as a function of different control parameters. The results are stored in the Processed_data folder.

* 06 - Coherence fitting.ipynb - notebook that processes the coherence data of both ASQs and transmon and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 07 - numerics for coupling versus parameters.ipynb - notebook that generates the theory lines plotted over the data in Fig. 4, as well as the theory data for Figs. S1 and S2. The notebook stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 08 - 2D gate maps analysis.ipynb - notebook that processes the raw data behind figures S11 and S12 of the Supplementary Materials. The notebook stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 09 - Readout fidelity analysis.ipynb - notebook that processes the single shot measurements found under Raw_shots.zip and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 11 - simulations for gate time.ipynb - notebook where we do some calculations to estimate the potential two-qubit gate time and fidelity.

* 12 - longitudinal coupling simulations.ipynb - notebook that simulates the spectroscopy measurements of longitudinal couplins and stores the results in the Processed_data folder.

* 00 -Figures plotting.ipynb - notebook that constructs the main text and supplementary figures. Figures generated by this file are saved in the Figures folder.


This file contains the raw time traces used in the manuscript titled _Strong tunable coupling between two distant superconducting spin qubits_. Specifically, it contains the raw data used to generate Fig. S19 of the Supplementary Information. The folder called shots should be placed under data.


  • 2023-08-13 first online, published, posted




QuTech, Delft University of Technology