Zandmotor data / Sand Motor data
Datacite citation style
Rijkswaterstaat; Provincie Zuid-Holland; EcoShape (2016): Zandmotor data / Sand Motor data. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. collection.
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite
Zandmotor-related locations
The Sand Motor on the Delfland Coast was created in 2011 as a peninsula covering 128 hectares. Natural processes, like wind and currents, are redistributing the sand gradually along the shoreface, beach and dunes. It is an innovative pilot project for coastline management intended to contribute to coastal protection in the long term. The intention was also to create an additional appealing area for nature and leisure activities on the Delfland Coast and to boost current knowledge about coastline management. A monitoring programme has been conducted to see whether this innovative method for coastal protection actually works. Data are collected 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The first official monitoring results have become available in 2016.
- 2016-12-08 first online, published, posted
- 2020-07-17 revised
4TU.Centre for Research DataDATASETS
- [dataset] Aeolian saltation mass flux and shear velocity measurements
- [dataset] Combined morphology surveys Delfland 2011-2016
- [dataset] Field measurements on aeolian sediment transport at the Sand Motor mega nourishment during the MegaPeX field campaign
- [dataset] Fixed Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers near Sand Motor
- [dataset] LIDAR elevation data of the Dutch coast
- [dataset] Monthly morphological measurements of Vlugtenburg beach (NL) - 2009-2012
- [dataset] NeMo morphology data survey path Delfland 2012-2016
- [dataset] Sand Motor Topographic Survey, schematized to cross-shore transects
- [dataset] Sand Motor Topographic Survey, actual surveyed path
- [dataset] Sand Motor X-Band Radar
- [dataset] Sand Motor X-Band Radar - 2013
- [dataset] Sand Motor X-Band Radar - 2014
- [dataset] Sand Motor X-Band Radar - 2015
- [dataset] Sand Motor gridded bathymetric and topographic survey
- [dataset] Wind measurements at the Sand Motor