usage stats
Totals for datasets (co-)authored by M. (Mark) van Koningsveld
M. (Mark) van Koningsveld
- Building with nature video #04 - The Building with Nature Design Process @ TU Delft 2015
- Building with nature video #03 - The Building with Nature Philosophy @ TU Delft 2015
- Data and code underlying the publication: Port Accessibility Depends on Cascading Interactions between Fleets, Policies, Infrastructure, and Hydrodynamics
- Data underlying the publication: Settlement success of European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) on different types of hard substrate to support reef development in offshore wind farms.
- Ports and Waterways Design videos -Functional Design of Locks
- Ports and Waterways Design videos -Functional Design of Liquid Bulk Terminals
- Ports and Waterways Design videos -Functional Design of Marinas
- Ports and Waterways Design videos -Planning and Design of Port Water Areas