Leila Iñigo De La Cruz
PhD Researcher
- Matlab scripts and python notebook to analyze the experiment: Yeast population growth in different galactose concentrations
- Microscopy data quantification of dead and alive yeast cells after 24 hours in different Gal concentrations for the mutants dbem1, dbem1dbem3 and wild type using the pGal-CDC42..
- Microscopy raw and processed data to measure cell size, cell death and multi-nucleated ratio in yeast cells.
- Population growth rate data and scripts concerning the publication:"Redundancy and the role of protein copy numbers in the cell polarization machinery of budding yeast"experiments
- Python notebook to generate the cell sizes changes across yeast mutants (Figure 3 Panel D from paper: "Adaptability and evolution of the cell polarization machinery in budding yeast")
- Python notebook to generate Figure 3 Panel C from: "Adaptability and evolution of the cell polarization machinery in budding yeast"
- Shotgun mass spectrometry raw dataset on budding yeast cells