Achilleas Psyllidis
- ChildsPlayAccessibility (Github) code repository: spatial analysis underlying the conference paper "Easy as child’s play? Co-designing a network-based metric for children’s access to play space"
- ChildsPlayAccessibility data repository: spatial data underlying the conference paper "Easy as child’s play? Co-designing a network-based metric for children’s access to play space"
- GreenspaceAccessibility data repository: spatial data underlying the journal paper "Measuring children's and adolescents' accessibility to greenspaces from different locations and commuting settings"
- GreenspaceAccessibility (Github) code repository: spatial analysis underlying the journal paper "Measuring children's and adolescents' accessibility to greenspaces from different locations and commuting settings"
- GreenspacePerception (Github) code repository: analysis underlying the publication "How well do NDVI and OpenStreetMap data capture people’s visual perceptions of urban greenspace?"
- GreenspacePerception data repository: underlying the publication "How well do NDVI and OpenStreetMap data capture people’s visual perceptions of urban greenspace?"
- Repository of materials, code, and outcomes underlying the publication "Children's access to urban greenspaces: a survey of factors and measures"