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Totals for datasets (co-)authored by Giordano Scappucci
Giordano Scappucci
- Data & analysis underlying the publication: Hard superconducting gap in a high-mobility semiconductor.
- Data accompanying the publication: A two-dimensional array of single-hole quantum dots
- Data accompanying the publication "A four-qubit germanium quantum processor"
- Data and code underlying the publication: Operating semiconductor quantum processors with hopping spins
- Data to generate the figures in the article: Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots
- Data underlying the publication: Vanishing Zeeman energy in a two-dimensional hole gas
- Data underlying the publication "Low percolation density and charge noise with holes in germanium"
- Data underlying the figures in publication: A quantum dot crossbar with sublinear scaling of interconnects at cryogenic temperature
- Data underlying the publication: A high-mobility hole bilayer in a germanium double quantum well
- Data underlying the publication " Shallow and Undoped Germanium Quantum Wells: A Playground for Spin and Hybrid Quantum Technology"
- Lightly-strained germanium quantum wells with hole mobility exceeding one million
- On-chip integration of Si/SiGe based quantum dots and switched-capacitor circuits
- Raw data, analysis and modelling scripts for the article "Bichromatic Rabi control of semiconductor qubits"
- Source Data of the publication: Circuit quantum electrodynamics with two remote electron spins
- Source data of the publication: Probing the Jaynes-Cummings ladder with spin circuit quantum electrodynamics
- Supplemental data for the paper: Multiplexed quantum transport using commercial off-the-shelf CMOS at sub-kelvin temperatures
- Valley splitting in silicon from the interference pattern of quantum oscillations