Mud Motor - Tidal channel
Datacite citation style
Schulz, Kirstin; Gerkema, Theo (2018): Mud Motor - Tidal channel. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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stationary measurements for 13h each, two different stations per cruise, Kimstergat channel and port of Harlingen
Time coverage 2015-06 (cruise 1), 2016-04 (cruise 2), 2016-10 (cruise 3), 2017-10 (cruise 4)
Licence CC BY 4.0
These data sets were obtained in the context of the STW project “Sediment for salt marshes: physical and ecological aspects of a Mud Motor” with Project Number 13888, which is partly financed by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
The data set consists of 8 netcdf-files named cruiseXdeployment1/ and 4 netcdf-files named
Each of the first 8 netcdf-files contains a 12.5h record of vertical profiles of current velocities, temperature, salinity, optical backscatter and the suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations derived from the optical backscatter using filtration samples. All data is interpolated to the same temporal and vertical grid. Measurements were carried out either near the port of Harlingen (deployment 1 on cruises 1-3, deployment 2 on cruise 4) or at the end of the Kimstergat channel (deployment 2 on cruise 1-3, deployment 1 on cruise 4).
The files contain the raw data of the filtration: dry and wet weight of the filters, filtrated volume, corresponding optical backscatter values and multiplication factors for the OBS in the box on the ship. The intercalibration between the OBS in the box and the in-situ OBS (mounted on a frame) is: OBS_box = 2.01*OBS_frame - 0.01.
Details on the data acquisition and postprocessing (for the first three cruises) can be found in Schulz, K., Gerkema, T., 2018. An inversion of the estuarine circulation by sluice water discharge and its impact on suspended sediment transport. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 200, 31–40. Please note that this publication contains an error: SPM concentrations were underestimated by a factor of 4 for cruises 1 and 2 (SPM_correct = 4* SPM_publication) and by a factor of 5 for cruise 3 (SPM_correct = 5* SPM_publication). The SPM concentrations in the netcdf-files are corrected. A corrigendum will be published soon.
Raw data is available upon request.
- 2018-04-24 first online, published, posted