Literature review of flow and work engagement interventions

doi: 10.4121/16880545.v1
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doi: 10.4121/16880545
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Yan, Qing (2021): Literature review of flow and work engagement interventions. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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till October 2020

The dataset includes an exhaustive search of the articles on flow intervention across disciplines within the PsychINFO and PsycArticles databases and seminal review papers (e.g., Nakamura & Csikszentmihalyi, 2009), and a selective search of the articles on work engagement intervention from recent systematic reviews (Knight et al., 2019, Virga et al., 2019). The articles selected are all English-written empirical research published in peer-reviewed journals up till October 2020 that study an intervention and include flow or work engagement as one outcome measured with a validated measure. The process has identified 47 articles on flow and 49 on work engagement. The articles were examined in abstract and full text and were thematically coded with three major coding themes: theory of change (i.e., the mechanism of why the intervention works), intervention type (i.e., the key component featured in the intervention), and approach (i.e., levels: personal vs. contextual; and perspectives: deficit-fixing vs. strengths-building).

  • 2021-10-28 first online, published, posted
Claremont Graduate University


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