T1 - Dataset from "A variable residue: meta-analysis on the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value of anaerobic digestate"
PY - 2025/03/21
AU - Marieke Smit
AU - Vonk, Wytse
AU - Renske Hijbeek
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DO - 10.4121/ffb60dd6-e9e7-413b-bc33-dde661d17a32.v1
KW - anaerobic digestate
KW - crop yield
KW - nitrogen
KW - fertilization
KW - circular agriculture
KW - meta-analysis
N2 - <p>This dataset contains the data used for the manuscript "A variable residue: meta-analysis on the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value of anaerobic digestate", currently (20-03-2025) under revision for publication.</p><p><br></p><p>Highlights of the paper:</p><p>· Global meta-analysis combined 103 paired treatments from 40 field and pot experiments</p><p>· Anaerobic digestate (AD) and mineral fertilizer were compared at equal N application</p><p>· N fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of AD was 0.78 <u>+</u> 0.13 (95% CI)</p><p>· Large variation was observed in the NFRV of digestate (range -0.54 to 1.97)</p><p>· A combination of soil and AD characteristics best explained observed variation</p><p><br></p><p>Here we provide the dataset used for the analysis. Use the README file for additional information about the structure of the dataset, the data collection methodology, and references to publications used in the meta-analysis.</p>
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