TY - DATA T1 - Data underlying the publication: 'Global gains and local pains: spatial justice in the planning discourse on hinterland logistics' PY - 2024/01/12 AU - Merten Nefs AU - KiesKompas AU - Tilburg AU - Horst aan de Maas UR - DO - 10.4121/f7ac0c2c-94d8-4aab-9803-ed5f601012e1.v1 KW - distribution centre KW - local policy KW - spatial justice N2 -

This PhD thesis chapter is a revised version of a conference paper for the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) 2022 in Tartu, Estonia:

Nefs, M. (2022). Beyond Global Gains and Local Pains - spatial inequality of hinterland logistics. In Aesop (Ed.), AESOP 2022 Tartu: Spatial Justice (Aesop, pp. 249–256). Aesop.

This dataset contains three parts:

  1. Data retrieved from election information website KiesKompas, concerning party positions on development of distribution centres in The Netherlands, in the 2023 Provincial elections. This part includes code to treat and visualise the data.
  2. List of selected and screened newspaper articles on development of distribution centres in two case provinces in the Netherlands (articles available upon request).
  3. List of selected and screened municipal council decisions, in Tilburg and Horst aan de Maas, concerning development of distribution centres, along with the original memos (retrieved from the municipal websites).
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