TY - DATA T1 - Data underlying the publication: Disorder-mediated ionic conductivity in irreducible solid electrolytes PY - 2024/09/30 AU - Victor Landgraf AU - Marnix Wagemaker AU - Theodosios Famprikis UR - DO - 10.4121/f3632023-c54e-4c95-848b-3e4db819bbf7.v2 KW - solid electrolytes KW - disorder KW - solid-state batteries KW - lithium metal KW - ionic conductivity KW - percolation N2 -

This directory contains raw data and scripts that enables to reproduce the analysis done in 

"Disorder-mediated ionic conductivity in irreducible solid electrolytes" 

Victor Landgraf, Mengfu Tu, Wenxuan Zhao, Anastasia K. Lavrinenko, Zhu Cheng, Jef Canals, Joris de Leeuw, Swapna Ganapathy, Alexandros Vasileiadis , Marnix Wagemaker*, Theodosios Famprikis*

The analysis requires the gemdat package. Some of the files may require the general_AF_structure_analysis.py script attached here. 

Besides this this directory contains: 

Analysis_of_jump_correlations - python scripts related to Supplementary Note 5 - Correlation of ion hops in disordered-Li9S3N

Bottleneck_analysis - python scripts related to calculations of the bottleneck sizes and average jump-Ea as presented in Figure 5 of the manuscript

Cell_cycling - electrochemical cycling data demonstrating the applicability of LSN electrolytes as presented in Figure 8 of the manuscript

EIS_Data_collection - impedance spectra collected for the Li2+xS1-xNx synthesized samples

gemdat_package - the version of the gemdat python package used for the analysis

Jump_analysis - the python scripts used to analyze AIMD trajectories and obtain jump-activation energies and a structured jump library

Neutron_xray_diffraction - neutron and x-ray diffractogram files along with associated GSAS refinement files

Percolation_analysis - python scripts use to perform percolation analysis based on a jump library obtainable from .//Jump_analysis

VASP_files - VASP input files used to perform AIMD and example .xml output files

Visualisation - example of lithium density for an AIMD run on disordered-Li9S3N

XPS - x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra presented in the Supplementary Note 11 - Chemical and Electrochemical Characterization of Li2+xS1-xNx

X-ray_data_collection - x-ray diffractograms of Li2+xS1-xNx synthesized samples


-Analysis scripts are distributed with the Apache-2.0 license

-Data are distributed with the CC-BY-NC-4.0 license

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