T1 - Analysis output from: Potential of boreholes combined with deep-rooted cover crops to ameliorate subsoil compaction
PY - 2024/02/07
AU - Isabella Selin Norén
AU - Derk van Balen
AU - Vera Velt
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DO - 10.4121/f2aa4e23-3779-4b80-9fb5-c97a82f73633.v2
KW - deep-rooted cover crops
KW - subsoil compaction
KW - boreholes
KW - soil structure
N2 - <p>Due to climate change longer periods of drought and high precipitation in short periods of time will become more common. Subsoil compaction causes cropland to be less resilient to such changes due to worse root growth, water infiltration and less capillary rise of water. There is a lack of measures to ameliorate subsoil compaction. Two experiments were performed where the potential of different types of boreholes were compared to deep subsoiling and an untreated reference. Effects on soil structure and crop productivity were analyzed. Data and scripts are not provided, only HTML output files.</p>
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