TY - DATA T1 - Data underlying the publication: Oscillatory rheotaxis of artificial swimmers in microchannels PY - 2022/05/03 AU - Corinna Maass AU - Ranabir Dey AU - Carola Buness AU - Babak Vajdi Hokmabad AU - Chenyu Jin UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Oscillatory_rheotaxis_of_artificial_swimmers_in_microchannels/19657431/1 DO - 10.4121/19657431.v1 KW - active matter KW - Microswimmers KW - Rheotaxis KW - Fluid dynamics. N2 -

Oscillatory rheotaxis of a 50µm droplet microswimmer in a 100µm wide microchannel (quasi-2D confinement) under varying imposed counterflow.  Data source for the experimentally recorded oscillatory motion published in https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10222, with fits to a hydrodynamic  theory model. See the paper and supporting information for details.

File guide:

rheotaxis.mp4: x264 compressed video meicroscopy data of rheotaxing droplet, frame rate 25 fps, raw data available on request

trajectory.txt: droplet coordinates (for rheotaxis.mp4) for trajectory analysis provided as ASCII, with time stamps and droplet radius (see file header)

description.docx: instructions for mathematica and matlab scripts provided to replicate the plots of the theory model.

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