T1 - Data underlying the master thesis: Experimental study on wave-induced scour in front of sloping coastal structures and the influence of bed protection
PY - 2021/04/29
AU - Wisse Goedhart
UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_master_thesis_Experimental_study_on_wave-induced_scour_in_front_of_sloping_coastal_structures_and_the_influence_of_bed_protection/14511549/1
DO - 10.4121/14511549.v1
KW - scour-hole erosion
KW - scour
KW - scour protection
KW - bed protection
KW - Coastal Structures
KW - breakwater
KW - breakwater toe
KW - erosion
KW - revetment
N2 - Data set including raw and processed measurement data from research in the wave flume at the laboratory of hydraulic engineering at Delft University of Technology. Includes bed profile measurements, wave measurements, photo measurements and flow measurements.
Included is also data from an earlier study by Casper Jantzen in 2020 titled: Experimental study on the influence of bed protections on scour depth and scour development in front of sloped embankmentsThe present study is an extension of this study and reanalysed this data.
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