TY - DATA T1 - Data underlying the publication: Ferritin-Based Single-Electron Devices.txt PY - 2022/05/17 AU - Jacqueline Labra Muñoz AU - Herre S.J. van der Zant AU - Martina Huber AU - Arie de Reuver AU - Friso Koeleman UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_underlying_the_publication_Ferritin-Based_Single-Electron_Devices_txt/19306865/1 DO - 10.4121/19306865.v1 KW - Ferritin KW - single-electron devices KW - nanoelectronics KW - Coulomb blockade N2 -

All data displayed in the Manuscript titled "Ferritin-Based Single-Electron Devices" ( DOI: 10.3390/biom12050705) and in the Supplementary Information are stored in the file "raw data.zip", as raw data.

The zip file contains two different folders: 

1) mainDraft: it contains the raw data used in the manuscript.

2) SI: it has the raw data displayed in the Supplementary Information.

Each subfolder contains separate ReadMe files. In each of them the format and different considerations for displaying the data are described.

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