TY - DATA T1 - Frequency and Time Response Data presented in the publication: The Influence of Floating Turbine Dynamics on the Helix Wake Mixing Method PY - 2024/01/23 AU - Daniel van den Berg UR - DO - 10.4121/97ce0a99-bdaa-4fbf-b548-f6d85c017915.v1 KW - DTU 10MW Turbine KW - TripleSpar Foundation KW - Softwind Foundation KW - QBlade KW - The Helix Method KW - Wake Mixing KW - Wind Energy N2 -
Dear user,
This data repository contains all the information used in the linked Torque 2024 paper. There are three folders,
each containing data corresponding to one part of the results presented in the paper. Each folder contains the data in a .mat format and a script that opens this data set and processes it to recreate the same images used in the paper.
-- Frequency Identification
The folder 'Frequency_Identification_Data' contains the input-output data used to create the frequency response functions (frf). The data includes, among the 4 turbines analyzed, the responses for the OC4 floating turbine, the IEA 15MW turbine and the Hexafloat turbine. Line 10 in the Matlab code indicates which entry corresponds to which turbine. The frfs are created using a system identification toolbox developed at the TU Delft. These functions are included in the Functions subfolder located in the Frequency_Identification_Data folder. The system responses are created in lines 41-51 and look like:
[G_Surge,sys_Surge,~] = id_funcs(detrend(squeeze(PitchYaw)),detrend(squeeze(Turbine1_data(:,12))),dt,4,6) ;
This line of code uses the Matlab function id_funcs to calculate the input-output spectrum between the blade pitch signals and the floating turbine surge motion. This spectrum is contained in the sys_Surge variable. G_surge contains a state space model that is fitted to this spectrum. The last three inputs are the sampling time, resampling and model order. The last two are only required for model fitting. The contents of the id_funcs are taken from: https://www.dcsc.tudelft.nl/~jwvanwingerden/pbsid/pbsidtoolbox_product_page.html. The Hexafloat experiment was done at a later stage and added afterwards, hence it has its own for-loop for identification. After identification has been done (this can take some time), the same figures as those shown in the manuscript are created.
-- Time Domain Data.
The time domain data used in the paper can be found in the 'Prescribed_Motion_Data' and 'Time_Domain_Data'. Both folder contains a .mat data file containing the wind speeds measured at the locations mentioned in each case's work and a Matlab script to analyze this data and create the figures as shown in the work. The function crameri.m together with the CrameriColourMaps7.0.mat is required to get the same colour maps. These colourmaps are designed to represent the data best, for more information see: https://www.fabiocrameri.ch/colourmaps/.
All of the scripts were tested in MATLAB R2022b.
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