TY - DATA T1 - Dataset about Port Research PY - 2021/03/31 AU - Zihui Yang UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Dataset_about_Port_Research/14298851/2 DO - 10.4121/14298851.v2 KW - Port KW - Port Distance KW - Port Shortest Path KW - Port Shortest Path Value KW - Number of ports are crossed by the shortest path KW - Port Betweenness Centrality KW - Total Group N2 - 在确定网络图中端口之间没有直接连接后,请通过port.sol.com.cn,SeaRates.com和McDistance运输计算工具获得端口之间的直接连接距离。如果三个查询数据之间有较大差异,则使用平均值法进行优化,获得表端口距离。<br>Using the Floyd algorithm, the path between two ports in the port network graph is solved on the basis of the table Port Distance, there maybe multiple shortest paths between two ports, but this situation is not considered here, the only result will be the result of Python simulation, get the table Port Shortest Path.<br>After get the Port Shortest Path, calculate the value of the shortest path between two ports, get the table Port Shortest Path Value.<br>According to the shortest path between two ports, count the number of routes for each port, then use the K-Medoids, construting the model of strategic importance of ports, get the table Number of ports are crossed by the shortest path.<br>根据“中间性中心性”模型的原理,通过“端口最短路径”表获得整个网络中每个端口的“中间性中心性”,然后使用K-Medoids来获得“端口中间性中心性”表。<br>表“端口通过次数组”和“中间性组”表的值和内容组合在一起,得到表“总组”,以方便数据搜索。<br><br> ER -