T1 - JCVI-syn3A_F_rep3.hic, data supporting the paper: ‘Generating Chromosome Geometries in a Minimal Cell from Cryo-Electron Tomograms and Chromosome Conformation Capture Maps’
PY - 2021/06/17
AU - Fatema Zahra Rashid
AU - Benjamin Gilbert
AU - Zane Thornburg
AU - Vinson Lam
AU - John I. Glass
AU - Elizabeth Villa
AU - Remus T. Dame
AU - Zaida Luthey-Schulten
UR - https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/JCVI-syn3A_F_rep3_hic_data_supporting_the_paper_Generating_Chromosome_Geometries_in_a_Minimal_Cell_from_Cryo-Electron_Tomograms_and_Chromosome_Conformation_Capture_Maps_/14333618/1
DO - 10.4121/14333618.v1
KW - 3C-Seq
KW - Synthetic cell
KW - Mycoplasma
N2 - A chromosome conformation capture map of JCVI-syn3A cultured to stationary phase.<br>3C-based study: 3C-SeqGrowth conditions: SP4-KO medium, 37 <sup>o</sup>C, stationary phaseFixation conditions: 1% formaldehyde, 1 hourRestriction enzyme: NlaIII (NEB)<br>
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