T1 - Sample files for "Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of H2/H2O/NaB(OH)4 Mixtures Using the Delft Force Field (DFF/B(OH)4–)"
PY - 2023/09/22
AU - Parsa Habibi
AU - Julien Postma
AU - Johan T. Padding
AU - Poulumi Dey
AU - Thijs Vlugt
AU - Othonas A Moultos
UR - 
DO - 10.4121/55e208e7-32ea-4beb-9234-596086884092.v1
KW - Aqueous Electrolytes
KW - Continuous Fractional Component Monte Carlo
KW - Sodium metaborate
KW - Transport properties
KW - Solubilities
N2 - <p>Sample simulations input/output files used for the publication titled&nbsp;"Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of H2/H2O/NaB(OH)4 Mixtures Using the Delft Force Field (DFF/B(OH)4–)". Please read the README files for more information and refer to the main manuscript for more details:&nbsp;<a href="https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01422" target="_blank">https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01422</a></p><p><br></p>
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