T1 - Geothermal Project on TU Delft Campus – DEL-GT-01 core CT-scan data
PY - 2024/12/12
AU - Auke Barnhoorn
AU - Hemmo A Abels
AU - Gian Beekman
AU - Stijn Beernink
AU - Juliette Bruining
AU - Kaylee Elliott
AU - Beer van Esser
AU - Philip J. Vardon
AU - Tara Graafland
AU - Susanne Laumann
UR - 
DO - 10.4121/5504a8bd-81ac-42cc-bd9d-0297c462492d.v2
KW - X-ray computed tomographic (CT) scanner
KW - Microscopy and tomography
KW - computed tomography (CT)
KW - imaging (3D)
KW - CT scan, borehole core
KW - borehole sample
KW - drill core
KW - preserved core
KW - digital core
KW - X-ray diffraction
N2 - <p>A total of ~86 m of core were recovered from the producer well DELGT-01, of which 70 m are in a continuous sequence. The purpose was to core the caprock and the upper reservoir deposits. Cores have a diameter of 4 inches and were cut into 1 meter long sections. Each section have been preserved and stabilized within their barrels by injecting foam, and sealing the cores with a wax and a vacuum pack, comprising aluminum and plastic layers to reduce water and oxygen leaving or entering the cores. Prior to any physical or destructive testing on the cores, all preserved 1-meter long cores were scanned in the Geoscience and Engineering Laboratory using the medical CT scanner (Siemens Somatom Volume Zoom CT scanner).</p><p><br></p><p>The full End-of-well science programme report can be found <a href="https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:6ce07471-6986-434e-aa24-ad6e1f6714d9" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p><p><br></p><p>A full description of the data set is in the <strong>README.docx</strong> file.</p><p>Acquisition parameters are described in the file <strong>DELGT01-cores-macroCT-public.xlsx</strong>.</p><p>A guide to load these data with open-source software is described in&nbsp;<strong>How To Macro CT Scroll Through.pdf</strong>.&nbsp;</p><p>Representative axial images produced with the guide <strong>CT scans Cores DELGT01.pdf</strong>.</p>
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